China´s Position in the Global Value Chain中国在全球价值链重塑中的地位

Tanya Chen

新希美国际参与欧盟科技商会研讨会,共同探讨“中国在全球价值链重塑中的地位”及“数字经济时代,在中国发展企业的关键因素 On 26th of May and 21st of July 2022, SirmioneCG supported a series of Digital talk events organized by EUTECH Chamber, on the topic of China´s Position in the Global Value Chain and Key Factors to consider for doing business in China in this Digital Economy.


疫情的席卷,进一步加速了全球价值链的转型和反思。世界顶级对冲基金之一的创始人雷蒙德·戴利奥表示,世界秩序正在改变。我们看到,新的全球价值链正在被重塑,各国正致力于发展新的经济驱动力,并努力在提升全球竞争优势。欧盟为了实现既定目标采取制定 “欧洲绿色协议”的战略政策措施,旨在成为可持续发展的全球榜样,实现碳中和。那么这也让我们开始思考,如今的社会背景将对全球企业的价值链有何影响?各国企业在中国拓展业务时,需要考虑哪些关键因素和制胜策略?外国投资者如何把握机遇实现在华的可持续发展?
The pandemic has further accelerated the transformation and rethink of global value chain (GVC). The world order is about to change, according to Ray Dalio who runs the world’s largest hedge fund. We are seeing that new GVC are being reshaped, countries are aiming to develop new economic drivers and their comparative advantages. The European Union puts a bet on the Green Deal, aiming to be a global role model for sustainability. How is this impacting the GVC? What are the Key factors and winning strategy to consider when expand business and value chain to China?How to take opportunities for Foreign Investors’ sustainable development in Chinese market?



China´s Position in the Global Value Chain


为了进一步探讨以上问题,5月26日,欧盟科技商会(EUTECH)举办了“中国在全球价值链重塑中的地位”网络研讨会,意旨帮助欧洲科技企业进入中国进行更好的战略规划和决策。并于7月21日再次举行线上演讲讨论活动,新希美国际代表人Lucy Luo发表了数字经济时代,在中国发展企业的关键因素”主题演讲。本篇文章将回顾两次研讨会的精彩内容,并进行核心观点总结。

To further explore on these issues, on May 26, the EUTECH Chamber held a webinar on "China's Position in the GVC",with the aim of helping European technology companies better make strategic plans and decisions on China market entry. And on July 21, another online event was held by EUTech Chamber for further discussion, Lucy Luo, representative of SirmioneCG, delivered a keynote speech on "What are the key factors to consider for doing business in China in the digital economy?".

本次活动,由来自欧盟科技商会亚太区负责人Federico González de Aledo先生主持,参与的5月26日研讨会嘉宾分别为:荷兰外交部前驻华大使Ron Keller、新希美国际负责人Lucy Luo、德国Ideations管理咨询负责人Stephan Horvath、RÉSO公司负责人Cristie Zhao女士、欧盟科技商会金融科技总监Michaela Meier和中国联盟董事会Sierra von Tucher女士等。
The events were hosted by Federico Gonzalez de Aledo, Head of the Asia Pacific Region of EUTECH Chamber. The panelists on 26th of May were: Ron Keller, Global Policy Maker,former Ambassador of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Netherlands to China; Lucy Luo, Head of SirmioneCG, Stephan Horvath, Head of Ideations Management Consulting, Germany and Ms. Cristie Zhao, head of RÉSO communication. Michaela Meier, Director of the EUTECH Chamber, and Sierra von Tucher, Board of Directors of the China Alliance, EUTECH Chamber also attended the webinar.


会议通过问答形式尽可能具体地展示了在中国的发展趋势、挑战和机遇,以及中国在全球价值链重塑中的重要地位。各位嘉宾根据自身丰富的经验提出了大众所关心的经济问题并提出专业的见解。其中荷兰资深外交官、财政部官员,前驻华大使Ron Keller围绕世界经济、全球通货膨胀、地缘政治、消费者与投资者关系方面展开讨论;新希美国际(SirmioneCG)负责人 Lucy Luo女士十分重视外资在华可持续发展的机会,并提出中国在重塑价值链的现状以及在全球的战略重点和政策导向等关键问题。与此同时其他嘉宾也各抒己见,发表了重要观点,一致认为,面对全球经济下行的挑战,应加强中欧双方在绿色转型和创新方面的合作,共同努力,推动经济复苏和持续进步。
The webinar presented in the form of panel discussion specifically on the development trends, challenges, and opportunities in China, as well as its position in the reshaping of GVC. Mr. Ron Keller offered views from the perspective of the world economy, global inflation, geopolitics, consumers, and investors relations; Ms. Lucy Luo, head of SirmioneCG, attaches great importance to the sustainable development opportunities for foreign investors in China, and raises key issues such as China's current stage in reshaping the value chain, its strategic focus and policy orientation of development. Based on their rich experience, participants expressed important views on public concerns of the economic issues. They agreed that facing the challenges of global economic downturn, it’s important that EU-China strengthen cooperation in green transformation and innovation, together to make effort and drive the economy recovery and continuous progress.


China's Business Environment in the Digital Economy


7月21日,欧盟科技商会(EUTECH)中国联盟网络会议继续进行,数字经济时代,在中国发展企业的关键因素”这一主题新希美国际(SirmioneCG)负责人 Lucy Luo 作为主题演讲嘉宾,分享了专业的知识和经验,发表了精彩的演讲围绕以下六个方面,为想要在中国营商的外资企业提供专业解读:
On July 21, the EUTECH Chamber digital event continued on the topic of "Doing Business in China in today’s Digital Economy". Lucy Luo, head of SirmioneCG, delivered a keynote speech and shared professional knowledge and experience with foreign companies who are doing business in China from the following six perspectives:







  • Business environment and investment trend
  • Questions from perspective of High-Tech companies

  • Partnership: equity and tax structure design

  • How to promote your business in China

  • Tax optimization and income repatriation

  • Risks and challenges



In the post pandemic era, Global business is not going away, but the landscape is shifting, with important implications for business strategy and management. Despite supply chain disruption, food & energy shortage, travel control, Most recent survey on The Impact of Russian-Ukraine chaos by EU chamber in china shows that most Foreign companies respond with no change or even more attractive investment desination of China. For instance, Tesla and Volkwagen both invested additional capacity in china during the Pandemic to optimize their supply chains. The Chinese market has become one of the most important markets for global capital due to its huge scale, consumption capacity, complete industrial system and more than 400 million middle-class consumers. At present, China is at the point of value chain transformation and upgrading, shifting from producing basic products to invent new technology, develop capitalism, and infrastructure. Chinese currency,yuan is increasingly used internationally. As the accelerated digitalization making china busienss environment more transparent and has upgraded the chanllege of regulatory compliance.


Data source from: EU Chamber of China survey 2022

It is more important than ever for foreign investors to understand China's current strategic focus of development & policy orientation. Also open to explore a variety of new models of cooperations with local partners, share resource, achieve synergy and win-win. Lucy suggested that it’s critical for foreign investors to gather necessary info and data for a thorough analysis on suitable investment strategies and the crossborder cooperation model before making an overseas investment.

The GVC is transforming from trade and financial capital-driven to an era driven by digital technology. New value drivers more specifically are digital transformation driven by climate change, decarbonization, green tech innovation, productivity improved by AI and sustainable development of supply chain. Green cooperation has become a new direction providing huge opportunities for foreign investment to do business in China.


在会议尾声,与会嘉宾全球知名企业拜尔斯道夫总监Dr. Stephan Ruppert 、瑞士SGMI管理学院总监Daniel Schmidlin、 荷兰格罗宁根夜间市长Merlijn Poolman及欧盟科技商会Sierra von Tucher女士展开极具洞察和前瞻性的讨论,他们表示选择合适的合作伙伴对企业在华的发展是十分重要的。
Dr. Stephan Ruppert, Director from Beiersdorf, Germany, Daniel Schmidlin, Director from SGMI Management Insititut St.Gallen,Switzerland, Merlijn Poolman, Nightmayor of Groningen, Netherland, and Sierra von Tucher, Board of Directors of the China Alliance, EUTECH Chamber attended the event and had a very insightful and forward-looking discussion. They concluded that choosing the right partner is very important for sustainable development in China market.
With rich experience, Sirmione Consulting Group China-based team can assist you from your virtual market presence, build your China business, establish partnership for you to accelerate your sales and expansion, eventually achieve your sustainable growth in China.


Co-funded by the European Union, EUTECH Chamber aims to help European high-tech companies develop and succeed globally in emerging markets. The main objective of EUTECH as non-profit organization to China is to help European companies enter the market, develop market skills and remain competitive in Chinese market.

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