Update on China Business Environment and 2024 Policy Orientation中国市场近期营商环境及2024新政策导向


The responses to Moody's rating, current status of foreign investment, the latest news on China's consumer market, economic policy direction and insights into future development trends 国际信用穆迪评级下的中国投资与消费市场、外商投资现状解读,2024中国经济工作导向最新资讯及未来发展趋势洞察


Response to Moody’s Credit Ratings


CSI 300 Index (000300.SS) Historical Data from: google finance
Moody’s cut China’s credit outlook to negative on December 5th due to they expect that China's economic growth will continue to slow down, the scale of real economy debt will grow rapidly, the effectiveness of related reform measures is uncertain, and the government is expected to maintain economic growth through stimulus policies. In response, the China Ministry of Finance (MoF) stated that Moody's view did not reflect the actual situation of the Chinese economy, to some extent overestimating the difficulties facing the Chinese economy and underestimating the government's ability to deepen supply-side structural reforms and moderately expand total demand. MoF stated that the Chinese government will continue to promote reforms and maintain stable economic growth. In the past few days, China's blue-chip shares hit a nearly five-year low.
The MoF believes that in the past, there has been no clear correlation between the trend of the A-share market and the downgrades of China's credit outlook by rating agencies. The impact on the bond market is also considered limited. Recently, Moody's and Fitch have also downgraded the credit rating of the US twice, prompting dissatisfaction from the U.S. government. The MoF pointed out that the global economic recovery is unstable, and China plays a crucial role in maintaining stable growth. The year 2023 marks the first year of China's economic recovery from the pandemic, with a year-on-year (YoY) GDP growth of 5.2% in the first three quarters. The contribution of domestic demand to economic growth continues to increase. And through a series of measures, risks on domestic debt issues have been preliminarily contained. The impact of adjustments in the real estate market on local finances is considered controllable and structural.


The performance of the A-share market following each downgrade of China's credit outlook, data from: Cailianshe


The Current Situation of Foreign Direct Investment


On November 3rd, the State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE) released data indicating that China's net foreign direct investment(FDI)for the third quarter of 2023 was negative. According to a statistical report from the Ministry of Commerce (MOC), in the context of sustained contraction in global direct investment last year and this year (global FDI decreased by 12% last year, and the data for the first half of 2023 published by the OECD showed a YoY decline of 30%), China's actual utilization of foreign capital in the first three quarters of this year decreased by 8.4% YoY. The report points out that against the backdrop of a rising U.S. dollar, the net inflow of FDI has significantly decreased. Overall, despite a cautious stance from foreign investors towards the Chinese market, the MOC emphasizes the potential and attractiveness of the Chinese economy. MOC believes that through reforms and improvements in the business environment, China will continue to attract more foreign investment.


Source: SAFE website. Unit: hundreds of millions of dollars.来源:外汇管理局网站


New Policy Orientation on Improving Foreign Investment Environment


President Xi emphasized in his speech at the opening ceremony of the Third Belt and Road International Forum on October 18, 2023, that the Chinese government's decisions to support an open world economy include initiatives such as establishing the 'Silk Road E-commerce' cooperation pilot zones, signing free trade agreements and investment protection agreements. He highlighted the comprehensive removal of restrictions on foreign investment access in the manufacturing sector, advancing cross-border trade in services and opening up to investment. The speech also underscored support for the development of foreign-invested enterprises in sectors such as advanced manufacturing, modern services, and digital economy, etc.


Confronted with increasingly challenging economic pressures, the Chinese government has recently implemented a series of proactive policies to enhance the foreign investment environment. For instance, by the end of November, the State Council had given its initial approval to the 'Work Plan Supporting Beijing in Establishing he National Service Industry Demonstration Zone and Expanding Opening Up.' This move signifies Beijing's launch of the most extensive opening-up measures, covering a wide range of sectors, including telecommunications, healthcare services, finance, culture and education, professional services, digital economy, as well as trade and investment.


At the end of November, the Beijing Municipal Government conducted the first review of the 'Draft Regulations on Foreign Investment in Beijing,' with a particular emphasis on facilitating the seamless cross-border flow of data and funds for foreign enterprises. The objective is to enhance investment environment, incentivize foreign investments in strategic emerging industries, and support the establishment of regional headquarters within the city. Additionally, the State Council recently issued the 'Comprehensive Plan for Advancing Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone's High-level Institutionalized Opening, Fully Aligning with International High-standard Economic and Trade Rules', aiming on expediting the expansion of services trade, fostering high-level openness in critical sectors such as finance and telecommunications, streamlining cross-border investment and financing, as well as endorsing the establishment of fund management centers by multinational corporations.


The Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee held a meeting on December 8 to set the general tone of economic work in 2024: "Enhancing opening up to outside, fortifying foreign trade and investment, propelling high-quality development, and aspiring to become a technological powerhouse. In the realm of macro policies and economic development, there is a proposal to cautiously reinforce proactive fiscal measures, with a focus on expanding domestic demand, bolstering the resilience and security of industrial and supply chains, and advancing ecological and green, low-carbon development. After three days of market fluctuations, China's blue-chip shares showed a marginal uptick, increasing the likelihood of a market reversal this week. Following the Central Political Bureau meeting, an economic work conference will be convened, and these two pivotal meetings are expected to chart the course for future policy directions, exerting a critical influence on reshaping market expectations.


CSI 300 Index (000300.SS) Historical Data from: google finance


Why China’s economy will continue to grow


According to the latest report from McKinsey, China's consumer market is entering a new era. Consumer data from the 2nd and 3rd quarters indicate that the era of double-digit growth in China's retail industry has come to an end. Retail sales in the third quarter increased by only 3%, and the recent ‘Double 11’(Singles’ Day) sales showed a mere 2% growth compared to the same period last year. This deceleration is evident in categories such as cosmetics (3%), clothing (4%), and home appliances (0.8%). Consumer confidence remains near historic lows since April. During the 'Double 11’, some categories experienced growth driven by discounts and promotions, while others declined. Live streaming played a crucial role, with traditional e-commerce experiencing a slight decline, while live streaming grew by approximately 20%. High-end brands performed well, with some brands lowering average selling prices amid intense promotional activities. Analysis indicates that success is closely linked to innovation and flexible responses to market dynamics.


Data from McKinsey

The report maintains a cautiously optimistic outlook for the future of the Chinese economy, anticipating robust growth in the retail sector, positioning China to become the world's largest growth market. Driven by urbanization and rising income levels, the number of mid to high-income households and affluent urban centers is expected to increase in the coming years. The service industry, particularly in the realms of tourism and entertainment, ranks high in growth rates according to McKinsey's recent survey of Chinese consumers. After years of constrained mobility, there is a renewed enthusiasm for travel and socializing in restaurants and bars. The catering industry has shown robust growth, with a 19% increase reported to date, marking a 14% YoY growth in the 3rd quarter compared to 2022.

A recent commentary in the South China Morning Post suggests that despite facing certain challenges, the fundamentals of the Chinese economy remain strong, and it is poised to achieve its growth targets. The commentary delves into the reasons behind the sustained growth of the Chinese economy, asserting that the ongoing industrial development in China will help navigate the current downturn in the real estate sector and demographic pressures. On the fiscal front, China has not experienced significant inflation, and real interest rates remain higher than those in the United States and Europe, providing greater room for monetary policy adjustments. China's fiscal net assets are positive, with government debt-to-GDP ratio at around 110%, while Japan and the United States have ratios of 260% and 120%, respectively.

The commentary also points out that if China no longer relies on the real estate industry, the country's economic growth will hinge on the green economy and digital economy. According to data from private equity firm KKR, these two sectors contributed 4.7% to China's GDP growth rate in 2022. China holds a leading position globally in industries representing the Fourth Industrial Revolution, such as green energy, digitization, industrial robotics, and artificial intelligence. Even the prolonged China-U.S. trade tensions have not hindered China's growth, as bilateral trade reached a historic high of around $700 billion last year. Lastly, China continues to undergo automation and urbanization. Despite facing challenges like an aging population, its long-term growth is not expected to be significantly constrained.


Breakdown of China GDP growth, 2022 data from KKR

Unlike Moody's, Citigroup upgraded its outlook last week for investment-grade bonds issued by Chinese entities from underweight to market weight. Citigroup stated the bonds hold certain value and are expected to outperform similar bonds in the US due to higher yield differentials. This adjustment in perspective aligns with the Central Political Bureau's recent emphasis on the overall direction of economic work for 2024, such as strengthening opening up and advocating a moderately intensified proactive fiscal policy, signal a favorable outlook for China's market and its future economic self-recovery capabilities.
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